* Please read footnote.
Situated on the slopes of Mt. Profitis Ilias between the monastery of Profitis Ilias and Eleoussa village, the Byzantine church of St. Nicholas Fountoukli was built in the 14th century. It features Interesting frescos and pure Byzantine architecture.
The frescos (completed in the 15th century) and the inscriptions show that the church's painting was commissioned by a couple (the man a wealthy Byzantine official) in memory of their three children, two boys and a girl, who possibly died during the plague of 1497/8.
Both parents and their children are depicted among the saints. The children hold in their hands a model of the church.
The artist has painted the Paradise (symbolically indicated by birds' pictures) where the children had gone and Christ (also shown as a child) blessing them.
Excellent walking and trekking area around the church.
Drink some of the remedial spring water from the little fountain across the road. Remember to fill your bottles.
40 km from Rhodes Town
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Both navigators: Tap on for walking, for driving. Google Maps: not reliable when driving